Our first stop on our sixth grade field trip was the natural hot springs in Kelibia. The boiling water goes straight into the ocean, making it a great spot for swimmers all year round.
The hotel room was not very nice, but you can't complain about the sunset view off the balcony!
I just updated myself on your life pre- and post- Emily/John's wedding! Since I feel a bit behind, let me just mention the things that stood out most, with the appropriate punctuation (exclamation points all around), which you can interpret as meaning (all of) the following: 1) You're so brave! 2) That's incredible! 3) I hope I can come to visit and see you/it.
Parasailing! Hot Pink! Ampitheatre! Camels! Field trips! Downtown views! Blue doors! You look French?! (okay, had to add a question mark there)
love ya!
Hi Lindsay, it is so fun to see your pictures. Thanks for taking the time to post! I'm thinking of you and your students.
Big Hug from Peru,
Hey!!! So fun to find you out here in blogger world. I got your update and read about the flood and tragedy. I am praying for you guys. Wow, that's a big thing for your school to deal with.
Hey, Lindsay. Dad and I went through your blog from the beginning tonight at Amanda's in Tennessee. I had seen the first entry a long time ago but couldn't comment since I didn't have a gmail account set up until just now. Yes, Dad helped me, don't laugh. "Mopsy", "Mopsie" "the hollister" were all taken; it's so unfair! I didn't think of "Madre" but since you're in Tunisia I should be "Mere" which doesn't have enough letters. Technology is so demanding! So I am Hollace which seems pretty plain for the way I feel towards you.
Anyway, I wrote pithy comments on some of your other entries so you will have to go back and reread them.
I hope this weekend will be nice and quiet for you after all the stuff that's been going on. We think of you everyday.
A bientot. A toute a l'heure. Bon Chance. Vous est tres elegant. That's what I remember from HS French. I should come to Tunisia and brush up! Love, Mopsy the Hollister
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