Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Foot twins

Below is a creepy picture of two different people's feet. Yes, that's right. This is not a pair of feet. Can you tell which one is mine and which one is Emily's?
This is a special talent of ours that we love to share.


Coley said...

I'd make a guess, but since I watched you take the picture, it really isn't fair for me to play.

It is so crazy that they look so much alike, though!

MeganK said...

Ok. I'm guessing Emily's foot is on the left, and Lindsay's is on the right. Am I right?


Lindsay Chandler said...

meg-o! i'm so happy to "see" you. I actually couldn't remember whose foot was whose. But then I remembered that we got our pedicures that morning, and my color, (called "I'm Not Really A Waitress" ) is actually on the left. but, i usually go with reds, so good guess.